Recently, I was in an REI store (a sporting goods, camping gear, travel equipment, and clothing store) and saw this sign in the hiking and climbing section of the store. As someone who enjoys hiking, I love to coddiwomple. Get up early . . .
Read MoreThe first week of May marks my three-year anniversary of working at Perspectives and working with United Ways around the country. In my three years I have been blessed to work with so many amazing United Ways actively changing their communities for the better.
Read MoreIn our 30 years of experience surveying United Way donors, we have seen basically everything. Recently, I was thinking back to the biggest lessons we have learned from donor surveys and landed on these three . . .
Read MoreSpring is approaching and with it, the annual tradition of spring cleaning. Recently, I got it into my head that, in the spirit of spring cleaning, I was going to sort and clean spaces throughout my house that had accumulated “stuff.”
Read More2020 was an odd year…
Read More2020 has been a rough year for all of us. I doubt there will be anyone who disagrees with me on that. Luckily, the end is in sight! 2020 is almost done and not a moment to soon. However, it’s not time to celebrate just yet.
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