Quote of the Month: June 2017

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Our June Quote of the Month comes from Jimmy Dean:

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

Jimmy Dean

Over the past decade or two, the winds have certainly changed direction for United Ways. With the internet came the ability for donors to understand and contribute to charities of their choice more easily than ever before. The economic recession of 2008 has resulted in fewer large employers and fewer donors. These challenging changes in the winds have made it difficult for United Ways to succeed doing what they have always done. The quote speaks of adjusting sails to reach your destination, which for United Ways means doing things differently.

At the 2017 Great Rivers Conference, we presented a session called “Positioning Your United Way for 2020: What You Must Plan & Start Doing Today.” The underlying theme of this session was how United Ways must be doing things differently, or adjusting their sails, to succeed in 2020. The comments from people who attended this session, and the nearly perfect ratings we received for the session, have prompted us to offer this session as a webinar. If your United Way is trying to figure out how to adjust your sails, we would encourage you to consider joining us for the webinar. You can find more information at www.perspectives4uw.com/webinars

If you have a quote you would like to share for our Quote of the Month, please let me know at kasey@perspectives4uw.com