United Ways

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The Secret to Building Community

Often the hardest part of accomplishing a task is getting all of the information you need in one place. In my life, this is most evident when looking at my family’s text exchanges. There are six people in my immediate family and at any given time there will be 20 different combinations of group chats, not to mention the individual text strings with each person. This results in never knowing who knows what and when, leading to confusion and, quite honestly, a complete breakdown in communication.

Perhaps staff at your United Way feel the same way. It can seem like different departments are never able to talk and collaborate as much as they would want to, and this leads to missed opportunities.

This is especially important when it comes to Resource Development and Community Impact. The work done by each of these teams is so reliant on the other team. Community Impact needs the money raised by Resource Development to allocate out and create much needed change in the community, but Resource Development needs the impact outcomes that are being created by their United Way to raise money. It is critical that these two teams work closely to make sure that each is able to do their jobs to the highest degree possible.

But that can be difficult when it feels like the information needed is in 20 different places, making collaboration that much harder.

That’s why we at Perspectives will be joining a joint webinar with Andar Software to discuss their Community Building Module and its ability to bring multiple streams of information into one location.

During this 60-minute webinar Andar Software will share how the Andar/360 Community Building module can streamline your grant management process and allow you to advance beyond paper applications and manual processing. Specifically, they will be discussing:

  •  How the Community Building module speeds agencies' funding application process with custom forms

  •  How your volunteers can simply evaluate grant requests online

  •  How an efficient, digitized process for grant management increases teamwork, reduces manual processing and connects multiple systems for ease of use

Meanwhile, we at Perspectives will be talking more in-depth about the importance of collaboration between Resource Development and Community Impact departments. Specifically, we will be discussing:

  •  How United Ways are changing their allocation process to address critical community issues

  •  Which comes first: raising money or identifying funded programs?

  •  Breaking down the silos between community impact and resource development

We invite you to join us on November 22, 2022 at 12 p.m. ET for How to Streamline Your Grant Management Process with Community Building a free webinar presented by Andar Software and Perspectives Consulting Group.