United Ways

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Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving! At Perspectives, we are thankful for all of the United Ways we have had the opportunity to get to know and work with, and for all of the wonderful connections we have made over the years. We are thankful for you!

It is that time of year when we remember what to be thankful for, and we would encourage you to let those who give, advocate, and volunteer for your United Way know how much they are appreciated! Take the time to let your contributors know you appreciate them this holiday season by sending them a personal letter, thanking them on your Web site, and praising them on your Facebook page. Include pictures and stories of how their contributions have made a difference, tell them how they have made an impact in the community, and share with them the accomplishments your United Way has made in addressing issues in your community.

A few unique ways we have seen United Ways thank their donors and volunteers are included below:

Thank-You Postcard - United Way of Jackson County (Jackson, MI)



Thank-You Live United Card - Metro United Way (Louisville, KY)



Thank-You Cupcake - United Way


Thank-You Blog Post - United Way of Greater St. Louis (St. Louis, MO)


If you have an example of how you let your contributors know they are appreciated, we would love for you to share it with us! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!